C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Text File
706 lines
/* New BDS library for use with software tools
* source: toolib1.bds
* version: November 26, 1981
#include tools.h
This file contains all the standard BDS C library functions
which are written in C that are used by the software tools
These library functions are identical to the functions
which were on files stdlib1 and stdlib2.c
EXCEPT that these functions call some routines whose names
have changed.
The object code for these functions used to be on deff.crl.
Now the object code is on toolib1.crl.
The functions on this file ONLY use functions on toolib2.crl
All the functions with new names are on file toolib2.crl.
All functions on toolib2.crl came from deff2.crl.
The names have all been changed in the same way,
viz., by adding a leading underscore character to the
name. The following functions have been renamed:
( * denotes that a call to the function is in this file)
_getchar _ungetch _putchar * _putch
_gets * _call _read * _write
_open * _close * _creat (_unlink)
_seek (_tell) _rename _exit
_rread _rwrite _rseek _rtell
_rsrec _rcfsiz
The following functions were on stdlib1.c but
have been deleted from this file.
getc(), putc(), and ungetc() are now defined on file.bds.
They had to be completely rewritten to allow for I/O
fopen getc ungetc getw
fcreat putc putw
fflush fclose
strcat strcmp strcpy strlen
initw initb getval
The following functions from stdlib1.c are on this file:
isalpha isupper islower isdigit
isspace toupper tolower
alloc free
abs max min
This is the new qsort routine, utilizing the shell sort
technique given in the Software Tools book (by Kernighan
& Plauger.)
NOTE: this "qsort" function is different from the "qsort" given
in some old releases (pre 1.32) -- here, the items are sorted
in ASCENDING order.
qsort(base, nel, width, compar)
char *base; int (*compar)();
{ int gap,ngap, i, j;
int jd, t1, t2;
t1 = nel * width;
for (ngap = nel / 2; ngap > 0; ngap /= 2) {
gap = ngap * width;
t2 = gap + width;
jd = base + gap;
for (i = t2; i <= t1; i += width)
for (j = i - t2; j >= 0; j -= gap) {
if ((*compar)(base+j, jd+j) <=0) break;
_swp(width, base+j, jd+j);
char *a,*b;
int w;
char tmp;
while(w--) {tmp=*a; *a++=*b; *b++=tmp;}
Some string functions
int atoi(n)
char *n;
int val;
char c;
int sign;
while ((c = *n) == '\t' || c== ' ') ++n;
if (c== '-') {sign = -1; n++;}
while ( isdigit(c = *n++)) val = val * 10 + c - '0';
return sign*val;
Some character diddling functions
int isalpha(c)
char c;
return isupper(c) || islower(c);
int isupper(c)
char c;
return c>='A' && c<='Z';
int islower(c)
char c;
return c>='a' && c<='z';
int isdigit(c)
char c;
return c>='0' && c<='9';
int isspace(c)
char c;
return c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n';
char toupper(c)
char c;
return islower(c) ? c-32 : c;
char tolower(c)
char c;
return isupper(c) ? c+32 : c;
Storage allocation routines, taken from chapter 8 of K&R, but
simplified to ignore the storage allignment problem and not
bother with the "morecore" hack (a call to "sbrk" under CP/M is
a relatively CHEAP operation, and can be done on every call to
"alloc" without degrading efficiency.)
char *alloc(nbytes)
unsigned nbytes;
struct _header *p, *q, *cp;
int nunits;
/* comment out -----
printf("In alloc: nbytes = %d\n", nbytes);
----- end comment out */
nunits = 1 + (nbytes + (sizeof (_base) - 1)) / sizeof (_base);
if ((q = _allocp) == NULL) {
_base._ptr = _allocp = q = &_base;
_base._size = 0;
for (p = q -> _ptr; ; q = p, p = p -> _ptr) {
if (p -> _size >= nunits) {
if (p -> _size == nunits)
q -> _ptr = p -> _ptr;
else {
p -> _size -= nunits;
p += p -> _size;
p -> _size = nunits;
_allocp = q;
/* comment out -----
printf("Alloc returns: %x\n", p+1);
----- end comment out */
return p + 1;
if (p == _allocp) {
cp = sbrk(nunits * sizeof (_base));
if (cp == ERROR) {
printf("Alloc: Out of memory");
return NULL;
cp -> _size = nunits;
/* remember: pointer arithmetic ! */
p = _allocp;
struct _header *ap;
struct _header *p, *q;
/* comment out -----
printf("In free: ap = %x\n", ap);
----- end comment out */
p = ap - 1; /* No need for the cast when "ap" is a struct ptr */
for (q = _allocp; !(p > q && p < q -> _ptr); q = q -> _ptr)
if (q >= q -> _ptr && (p > q || p < q -> _ptr))
if (p + p -> _size == q -> _ptr) {
p -> _size += q -> _ptr -> _size;
p -> _ptr = q -> _ptr -> _ptr;
else p -> _ptr = q -> _ptr;
if (q + q -> _size == p) {
q -> _size += p -> _size;
q -> _ptr = p -> _ptr;
else q -> _ptr = p;
_allocp = q;
/* comment out -----
printf("In free: new _allocp = %x\n", q);
----- end comment out */
define max(), min(), abs()
int abs(n)
return (n<0) ? -n : n;
int max(a,b)
return (a > b) ? a : b;
int min(a,b)
return (a <= b) ? a : b;
The following functions from stdlib2.c are on this file:
printf _spr
scanf _scn
_puts (renamed by analogy to _get)
The following functions from stdlib2 have been deleted:
fprintf sprintf
scanf sscanf
fputs fgets
Many comments have been deleted from these functions.
See STDLIB2.C if you are really interested.
Each function uses an array of dimension MAXLINE.
Make sure MAXLINE is longer than the largest line
ever printed!
Remember to put out a 0x1a (control-Z, CPMEOF) at
the end of text files being written out to disk.
Also remember that there are two end of file
conditions: -1 and CPMEOF.
printf(format, arg1, arg2, ...);
Exactly the same as in Kernighan & Ritchie.
char *format;
char line[MAXLINE];
_spr(line,&format); /* use "_spr" to form the output */
/* comment out -----
_puts(line); /* and print out the line */
----- end comment out */
putlin(line, STDOUT);
This one accepts a line of input text from the
console, and converts the text to the required
binary or alphanumeric form. (see K & R)
scanf(format, ptr1, ptr2, ...);
Returns number of items matched.
Since a new line of text must be entered from the
console each time scanf is called, any unprocessed
text left over from the last call is lost forever.
This is a difference between BDS and UNIX.
The field width specification is not supported.
int scanf(format)
char *format;
char line[MAXLINE];
/* comment out -----
_gets(line); /* get a line of input from user */
----- end comment out */
getlin(line, STDIN);
return _scn(line,&format); /* and scan it with "_scn" */
Like fprintf, except a string pointer is specified
instead of a buffer pointer. The text is written
directly into memory where the string pointer points.
sprintf(string,format,arg1, arg2, ...);
char *buffer, *format;
_spr(buffer,&format); /* call _spr to do all the work */
Reads a line of text in from the console and scans it
for variable values specified in the format string.
See the comments below in _scn()
int sscanf(line,format)
char *line, *format;
return _scn(line,&format); /* let _scn do all the work */
General formatted output conversion routine, used by
fprintf and sprintf..."line" is where the output is
written, and "fmt" is a pointer to an argument list
which must consist of a format string pointer and